The difference is "perfect" in the Word of God
O Lord, teach us to interpret Your Word according to God will or plan. Behold the God of Abraham's descendants have filled the whole world (Genesis 12, 2), but they continue to fight each other because God word is the same as sinful human words. ". Though all God words are for the good of mankind, without any favoritism. Hopefully the year 2018 is the year of the true word of God (with the motto, "there is indeed a difference such as: there are eyes, nose or mouth on our face, but all the differences are only for perfection as a great work of God God who created the heavens and the earth). In Indonesia: Ya Tuhan ajari kami untuk mengartikan firmanMu sesuai dengan kehendak atau rencanaMu. Lihatlah Tuhan keturunan Abraham sudah memenuhi seisi dunia (Kejadian 12, 2), tetapi mereka terus saling bertikai karena firmanMu diartikan sama dengan kata-kata manusia penuh dosa. ”. Padahal semua firmanMu hanya untuk kebaikan umat manusia, tanpa ada pilih ...